Our wait list works as follows:
Once a litter is born you may send us a non-refundable deposit of $500 which will a reserve your puppy. The wait list to choose will line up by the dates on which we receive the deposits, first come, first serve.
We only take one deposit per unborn litter. Beachwood Canyon Cockapoos always has first choice of any litter.
We reserve the right to cancel a puppy adoption at any time if we are uncomfortable with the placement. It is important to find the right fit for our puppies and our families; the puppies’ well-being is always our biggest concern. Also, we do not sell puppies to breeders nor brokers, but to pet homes only!
You will be updated with weekly photographs/videos on facebook and this website on the puppies’ progress, it will be alot of fun. We will have many talks and we look forward to getting to know you! At six weeks we will call you and ask for your first and second choice. By this time we will see coats and we will begin to really see their temperaments and can assist you in choosing well. This always works very well.
The balance is due to be paid in cash when you pick up your puppy at eight weeks of age (10 days sooner if we are shipping to you.) We can sometimes keep pups a little longer than eight weeks; if we board them for you we charge $15 per day. We honestly feel it is better to begin bonding with your puppy as soon as it leaves it’s littermates. If we board the pup we need payment in full when it turns eight weeks and the balance for boarding your pup when you pick up him/her.
We cannot waive the boarding fee, please don’t ask. After 8 weeks the puppies care becomes more involved and time consuming as well as disrupting our own routine with our adult dogs. Pups from 8 – 12 weeks old have start to have different needs than very young puppies. WE PREFER YOU PICK UP YOUR PUPPY AT EIGHT WEEKS OR THE WEEKEND JUST AFTER S/HE BECOMES EIGHT WEEKS. Please try and arrange with family members to board them if you have vacations, etc.
We do not allow puppy visits before first shots are given to them. We do not show puppies at our residence at this time. This is a firm policy to safeguard all the puppies’ health, including the one you will choose. There are canine flu and parvo virus strains in the environment that can wipe out a whole litter in less than a week. We will not risk this. If you do not feel comfortable choosing until eight weeks so you can meet your first and second choices, then you forfeit your spot in line as most people are comfortable choosing before the pups turn eight weeks old. Often all the pups are chosen long before eight weeks. So it is a risk to wait, but you are welcome to take that risk. You may also transfer your deposit to a future litter. You may not, however, have the same place on the wait list on multiple litters. Please feel free to ask any and all questions regarding our policies. They are meant to make this whole process fair to all.
Our Application – please copy and paste in an email to us at : kbtroutman@aol.com
Name: How did you find us?
If we are “friends” on facebook, do we have permission to share photos and/or receive correspondence from us from time to time? If there is a photo you do not wish to have used please let us know. We will never post pics of your children without asking your approval.
Names and ages of all people in your household:
Occupations (Adults, this is so we can know who willbe home with puppy):
Why a cockapoo?
Does anyone in your home have allergies?
Have you or your family members ever had a dog?
What happened to Him/Her?
Do you have a fenced yard for your future dog?
Do you plan to crate train?
Are you willing to take your pup to training classes?
If there are any behavioral difficulties with your pup do you agree to contact us and make us aware of what is happening (so we can assist you in correcting it immediately?)
If we are unable to correct the behavior do you agree to have your puppy evaluated by a licensed trainer and follow the trainer’s advice on correcting the pup?
Who will be with your dog during the day/evening?
Where will your dog sleep?
Do you have a preference for the color/sex of your future dog?
Do you own any other animals, if so, please describe?
Do you agree that if for any reason you can no longer keep your dog that you will
return him/her to us for re-homing rather than taking him/her to a shelter?
Do you understand that you are buying a pet quality puppy and we have a no breeding policy?
Do you therefore agree to spay/neuter your puppy at the age of six months and send us proof of this?
Thanks for helping us to get to know you. We care about making a great match between you and you future cockapoo family member!

See our Available Puppies!