Beachwood Canyon Cockapoos
Puppy Purchase Contract
Puppies sold by Beachwood Canyon Cockapoos (Seller) are honestly represented and evaluated as accurately as possible by Seller. Beachwood Canyon Cockapoos is selling this puppy as a pet and without breeding rights, therefore we do not guarantee that this puppy has breeding capabilities nor the right physiological characteristics to breed. We require that your puppy be spayed or neutered by a veterinarian of your choice by six months of age. Seller cannot guarantee adult size, color, or temperament of the puppy, as we can only make our best guess as to these qualities.
The above-described puppy is believed to be in good health at the time of the sale and has been seen at least one time for a puppy wellness check by our veterinarian. In order to verify the good health of the puppy, Buyer must take the puppy to a licensed veterinarian within three days of receiving the puppy. However, if you feel that your puppy is sick, take the puppy to the vet immediately and contact us. It is very important that the puppy eats and drinks as soon as possible after you receive him or her. If your puppy is too stressed to eat for a period of more than 24 hours, take him or her to a veterinarian. We also suggest that you keep visitors to a minimum during the puppy’s first week at your home so that s/he may bond with your family and get to know her/his new home. Puppies sleep a good deal of the time and this is normal. Seller will not replace a puppy or refund purchase price for a puppy that dies because Buyer waited too long to get medical help for the puppy.
If an examination by a licensed veterinarian reveals that the puppy is medically unsound so as to warrant returning puppy to Seller, Buyer must notify Seller within three days of the receipt of the puppy. The veterinarian must furnish a hand-written report describing the problem, and the puppy must be returned immediately if Buyer is to receive a replacement for the puppy or refund of purchase price. Seller will not replace your puppy or give a refund for purchase price for common puppy problems, such as fleas, ticks, lice, coccidia, giardia, intestinal parasites, ear mites, or other such parasites, or other stress-induced problems such as hypoglycemia and kennel cough. Seller will not pay any vet bills incurred by Buyer for any reason.
Your puppy has been born and raised in a country environment. This means that their are wild animals who come on to our property; we see rabbits, hear coyotes, see mice, squirrels, possums, and all types of birds. This means that your puppy, through their dam or the environment, could have been exposed to common puppy parasites. We are also on well water, though the pups are given bottled water. It is important that you continue with the puppy’s worming program every two weeks until it is about 4 mos. old. Please discuss with your vet on first visit.
Said puppy is guaranteed to be free of life-threatening congenital defects until s/he is 1 year of age. Should the puppy be diagnosed with a life-threatening congenital disorder within that time period, Seller will replace the puppy with another puppy of the same sex and similar coloring as soon as one becomes available. No Cash Refunds. However, in order for Seller to be required to replace the puppy, two un-associated veterinarians must examine the puppy and determine that the quality of life will be seriously impacted and recommend euthanasia, or require continuous medical treatment throughout the puppy’s life. Upon Buyer showing hand-written proof of above-described congenital disorder, Seller will make restitution as described above (replace puppy or refund purchase price). Please call Seller for advice. In the unlikely event of the death of the puppy, laboratory confirmation of cause of death will be required.
Seller shall not assume liability for veterinarian expenses. Buyer understands that all guarantees expire one year from the date of purchase.
Buyer understands that the following slight genetic defects are not considered serious or life threatening and therefore are not covered: umbilical hernia, un-descended testicle, kidney/bladder/urinary tract infection, under-bite or over-bite, or grade 1 luxating patella. Buyer understands that replacement option or refund of purchase price is only valid when health problems are attributed to a heredity problem and not due to accident or contagious and/or other illness.
If a refund of purchase price for puppy or replacement of like puppy when one becomes available is deemed necessary, seller will not reimburse shipping/delivery charges.
Buyer agrees to contact the Seller if any serious behavior problem arises in the first 4 months of owning this puppy. The Buyer further agrees to having a licensed trainer evaluate and provide at least one training session with the family in order to correct the serious problem. We will not refund any monies for a puppy who has sustained psychological trauma in his/her new home and its accompanying behavior problems without proof that every effort has been made to understand and correct the problem. Please remember that training a puppy, though time consuming, will pay off with a lifetime of wonderful companionship for your family. With this in mind, please read our FAQ page on this website and familiarize yourself with your puppies developmental stages and needs.
If for any reason Buyer decides to not keep the puppy, Seller has first right of refusal. In other words, Buyer must offer to return puppy to Seller before selling or giving the puppy to any other person.
If for any reason the Buyer has an emergency and can no longer keep the puppy, no matter what age, Beachwood Canyon Cockapoos will take the puppy/dog in for re-homing. The puppy will never be surrendered to a dog shelter, rescue or pound and will always have a home with the breeder for the duration of it’s life.
I have read and agree to abide by the contents of this puppy purchase contract:
Buyer’s Signature:___________________________________ Date: ___________
Print Name: __________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
email: _____________________________________
Seller Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________